In trying to create the results that you seek, where are you experiencing friction?
Cooking More Frequently for Physique Enhancement and Nutritional Delight
Cooking more often would be easier if I know what I have available to cook and a pre-determined plan of what I will be cooking. Awareness and a clear decision to commit requires less motivation.
Write as Little Possible to Write as Consistently as Possible
I would like to publish my writing more often, but “writing” as a general act seems never-ending in its pain, confusion, discomfort, and labor.
But “publish the best you 1-sentence-minimum post you can write about something you learned or noticed today” sounds much more manageable (and, oddly enough, more fun and enticing) than “write.”
Break Your Weeks Down to the Hour to Clarify Your Power
“Work Monday to Friday” sounds like a long slog to get through.
But previewing your calendar and taking inventory of all the events coming up for the next 2 weeks, while also establishing 3 clear targets and goals for each day suddenly breaks down the army of challenges ahead into lines of defense to take down one at a time.
To reduce friction so you can gain momentum whether you’re running a race or completing a marathon, start small and sight specifics.