Go with the Flow

Jason Lam
1 min readJul 16, 2020
Photo by Matt Hardy on Unsplash

If you believe being happy while working is impossible, it could be that you need to find better work. It could also be that you don’t often reach a flow state enough in work.

Flow is where you are happiest working, where you get lost in the work and lose your sense of time. If time flies by when you’re having fun, then weight feels workless when you’re in a state of flow.

Some work will be impossible for you to feel happy with.

But until you make that final judgment call, you could try organizing your work to block out time reserved for flow — no distractions, no notifications, no communication.

Flow is likely where you’ll do your best work, which is and also might be where you’ll be happiest working.

When you decide when to work, how long to work, where to work, and with whom to work, know where you’ll flow, then align what you need to to make it happen.

