In fact, don’t stop there. Produce a detailed breakdown as to why your work is so bad and get as specific as you can.
Once you’ve pinpointed the issues and problems, you’ve gained an advantage: awareness. More than an advantage, you have an opportunity now that you’re aware. The same perceptiveness you applied to pinpoint the issues and problems can also be applied towards constructing a solution.
Knowing that things are messy makes tidying up a solution. Feeling like things are happening to you rather than you not being the one making things happen, as if things are slipping beyond your control, means it might be time to take a hard look at what exactly is happening and deciding what should be happening instead.
Clarity of what is bad and why can help us imagine what would be good and how. Once you know the work is bad, that it’s not working, then the future work is clearly defined: making it better — working until it works.